an image of a financial advisor reviewing a clients portfolio with them.

Investment Management

Investment Management

Our Investment Philosophy

Many firms try to make their investment process seem complicated and opaque. We aim to make our investment process simple and transparent.

We believe that good investing is based on evidence. This means focusing on what academic research has shown to work over time. While there are a number of things that have been shown to work over time, at its core good investing requires a long-term focus, low turnover, and a dedication to minimizing costs.

What we think matters most to clients is investing in a strategy that they can stick with, through good and bad markets.

An image of a person looking at a stock chart on their computer.

Long Term

On Wall Street, long term is often measured in days, weeks, or months. We focus on making a smaller number of longer term decisions

Evidence Based

We construct portfolios based on what academic research has shown to be effective over longer periods of time.


We seek to get value in excess of what we’re paying.  The higher the internal cost of an investment vehicle, the harder that is to achieve over the long term. All else equal, we prefer lower costs to higher costs.

Low Turnover

Too much activity in a portfolio tends to be an enemy of returns. More activity tends to lead to higher costs and greater tax bills.

A financial advisor sitting with their client and reviewing their financial plan

Get in touch

Accretive Wealth Partners is a fee-only firm. We are fiduciaries that put our clients’ interests ahead of our own. This comes through in our consultative approach in working with clients and understanding what’s important to them. Get in touch with us today to learn more.